We have arrived. The Thistle Curling Club now has two Senior Curling Leagues, a Monday
Mixed and Tuesday/Thursday Mens. We offer a different perspective to curling. We do not
enter by team rather as individuals.
The Monday Mixed has two rounds of 12 games each. We place people in positions they are
most comfortable playing and establish evenly balanced teams. We do not put a husband and
wife on the same team. After the first round we redistribute all players so that you do not play
with the same people for the second round. We are about social fun, meeting people yet
playing the game we love. The Monday Mixed will start October 3rd at 9:30 AM.
The Tuesday/Thursday Mens is the same make-up as the Monday Mixed except we play 3
rounds of 15 games each. After each round we redistribute the players. Again you will not play
with the same people in any of the rounds. The Tuesday/Thursday Mens will start October 4 at
9:30 AM but the Thursday time will be 11:30 AM due to a pre-existing curling group.
We have two banquets each year, at Christmas and at Year-End, where both leagues get
together to celebrate. Your fees do cover both banquets.
If you do not know how to curl we will train you at no cost as we welcome all.
If you are interested in either league please contact the Thistle Curling Club who will pass your
name onto the proper person. You can contact the Presidents for either league directly. Hazel
Rodwell (780-918-9892 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for the Monday Mixed or Lyle Dahl
(780-464-3396 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for the Tuesday/Thursday Mens.
We would love to hear from you and welcome you to our league(s).